Independent Artists - 6 Hacks to Stay Motivated During These Times (Part 1)

Calling all music artists and creatives out that there that can relate... 

Yes, the past year was a major setback for most of us, including music artists. This was indeed a huge list of setbacks, to put it lightly. 

This post will be mainly directed at the independent music artist (like myself) or any other creatives out there that can also relate. I will be speaking directly from my own experience. 

Furthermore, rather than a general rant of a blog post, with what has been a challenging time, I wish to offer a more positive attitude and support to all the indie artists that hopefully will feel more uplifted and motivated during these tough times. 

Independent Artists - Nick Barrett Music


Having this time used wisely to rediscover why you fell in love with making music in the first place is a good place to start the inner work to stay motivated and positive. A good reminder of all the reasons why you love to sing or play an instrument, produce beats, whichever way you express your talent, sets the tone of your journey ahead in a more trusting and positive way. 

Knowing the BIG WHY can move mountains when you are aiming towards that major goal you may have been setting yourself. Some examples of 'Why' could be; you wish to write that album you've always wanted, you want to share your musical gift with a wider audience.. or it's simply just your PURPOSE to share your musical creations with the world and spread more happiness across the globe! Get to know the REAL WHY you are doing what you do. 


Aiming always in being perfect in what you do, at a glance, may sound like a perfect way to live your life. However, living by this unreachable standard in my opinion is highly toxic. Embracing our imperfections and transforming learning into wisdom is more valuable in my opinion. Being this 'perfectionist' with your music could result in you never getting to the stage in sharing your musical creations because they weren't quite perfect yet... "I just need to add that one more thing till it's perfect". Sounds familair? 

Sadly the reality is, it will never be perfect whilst you are in a perfectionist mentality. This does mean share your music at a low standard, not at all. Simply give it your best, be at peace and share if so ... simple. Let your creativity flow, rather than cage it. Perfectionism is the biggest Creativity killer out there! 


I suffer from this from to time, and as an independent artist especially. When I release songs or share my latest cover video on YouTube, you never really know how well it will be received, will listeners and viewers appreciate what I share, will it get good engagement? Etc. These are the type of questions running through my mind at times and over the years that excess mind-chatter has become less and less. This is because I felt it was important to keep facing the dreaded 'FEAR of the UNKNOWN' itself. The more you face this, the less intimidating it becomes. Nobody, unless you're YODA knows what's around the corner in your music career (or in life in general), it's just a hunch, a feeling we get of uncertainty when we're about to execute an action that may or may not have a positive result. But don't let the fear STOP you unless intuitively you feel in your stomach not to (this is a different post entirely) 

AND lastly, fear of failing... The truth is there is never 'failing', just good lessons learned. Use what you discovered as good lessons learned for next time and become an, even more, greater independent music artist. 


Sharing your God-given gift is entirely up to you of course, and it's not compulsory to share your music. But, I feel as a serious music artist, share regardless of what opinions you receive from others. Outside opinions judging your expression in the music will never define you as an artist. 

6 hacks for independent artists - Nick Barrett Music

Music sharing on a global scale can bring about altered states of emotions and has the power to heal and stir up memories that may have been long forgotten. Music is tremendously powerful, and your creativity is a pure contribution that is unique to the artist within you, and you alone. There is only one you on this planet, and your music needs to be heard.. so share, if you feel ready of course! 




Stay Tuned for Part 2 coming soon! 

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